Items Provided
All of the equipment will be furnished to you at a very competitive price as part of our package. A list of that equipment will be supplied to you with our proposal.
All of the items listed below will be shown on drawings as DGA provided:
- DGA will supervise the installation and start-up of this equipment.
- UPS (uninterruptible power system)
- Batteries for UPS
- Power distribution unit for computer room
- TVSS (transient voltage surge supressor) devices for computer room
- Kirk Key maintenance bypass module for UPS and transfer switch
- Generator
- Transfer switch for generator
- Flexible power distribution for all raised-floor areas
- UPS, UL478 power cabling for computer room
- Dedicated computer room air conditioning equipment
- Labeling and audible covers for EPO (emergency power off) system
- Raised flooring and carpeting material and installation